
We understand the needs of our customers
Publish Time: 2019-04-12 Views:13157

A good sorting line is an important part of the production process, and is advantageous for product quality and production efficiency. There are quite a lot of sorting line manufacturers in the market, so if you want to enter a new market, the challenges faced are multiple. "One of our goals is to expand our business to new countries and provide them with our high-tech machines. However, in some markets, competition is too fierce and the market is too small for new companies to enter. For example, In Europe, there are many small manufacturers producing sorting lines for their regions, and their business squeezes most of the market share. This is why we focus on regions such as South Africa and the Middle East, which are more open to new companies and to local production. We are less dependent on suppliers. We deliver products at a more affordable price, but the technology is of comparable quality to those in Europe." An interview with Zhou Nanshan, the Overseas Business Manager of Jiangxi Reemoon Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Reemoon”) Said.

There are many sorting manufacturers in the Chinese market, but Zhou Nanshan emphasized that Reemoon is quite different from other sorting line suppliers in China: "Our company did not enter the market from operating sorting line equipment . We started out as a citrus grower. We had our own orchard and processed the fruits independently. At the same time, we began development of our own packaging and sorting line machines. Therefore, we knew exactly what a citrus company needs. For the last 18 years, we have focused even further on developing of the sorting line based on the knowledge and experience we have, and successfully developed the sorting line provided to customers. In fact, we still have a planting business with 200 hectares of Navel oranges and kiwis. So we have not deviated from the fruit area, but the main business is now concentrated on the production and sorting line machines. "


Reemoon is headquartered in China. Most of Reemoon’s customers in the Chinese market are involved in citrus, kiwi and apple operations. But Reemoon is also active in other countries. "We opened an office in South Africa, and since then, we have expanded a lot of business there. In addition, we have agents in Spain, Israel and Egypt. in order to provide better and more direct services in these regions. Our target customers are small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to supplying machines, we provide services for large companies. We strive to provide each customer with the best service, which truly distinguishes us from other companies."



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